OC Jewish Experience

The official blog of Jewish Orange County

UC Irvine Muslim Student Union Suspended

Many in our community have waited a long time for UC Irvine officials to take action against the ongoing actions by the Muslim Student Union.  Some thought it would never happen.  Today’s blog is will certainly get your attention.

Jewish Federation Orange County announced this morning  it has learned the results of UC Irvine’s judicial process.  UCI has suspended the Muslim Student Union (MSU) for one year and placed it on disciplinary probation for an additional year.  That’s not all. The MSU is also required to collectively complete 50 hours of community service.  As a result, it will not be allowed to conduct organized campus events until at least the fall of 2011.

Here is what Shalom Elcott, the President of the Jewish Federation Orange County had to say about the decision.

“We commend the University for its judicious decision in support of free speech and civil discourse.  The University’s disciplinary action regarding the MSU establishes an important and appropriate precedent and sends a powerful message to other universities across the nation.”

According to a UCI campus document, suspension means that the recognition of the MSU organization has been revoked.  Gone.  Done.   Additionally the document states that no current executive officer listed on the Dean of Students registration application form will be allowed to act as an “authorized signer” for any other student organization at UC Irvine during the suspension.  The effective dates pertaining to the suspension are from September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011.

How did this come to pass.  Let’s go back to events that happened earlier this year.

On February 8, 2010, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren visited the Orange County, California, campus for a planned visit and speech to UCI students and community members.  During the 90-minute event, Oren was repeatedly interrupted by members of the Muslim Student Union, 11 of whom were arrested. The investigation into this incident revealed the Muslim Student Union’s well-documented and premeditated plan to prevent Oren from delivering his presentation.

The results of the campus judicial reviews regarding the 11 individual students arrested at the Oren event will not be released by the University.  Privacy laws protect the student notifications, so we cannot know the outcome at this time.  Unless the students step up and make or challenge the announcement themselves, we may never know how the university has punished them.

Jewish students at UCI, whose campus experience is largely a positive one, have been the target of the Muslim Student Union’s anti-Israeli campaigns and anti-Semitic slurs for years.    The MSU, while publicly denying its student programming as being anti-Semitic, brought fringe speakers to the campus just last month.  One speaker, Malik Ali, said during a campus speech just steps from the UC Irvine administration building, “Ya’ll (Jews) are the new Nazi’s.”  Ali also confirmed his public support for terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.

Elcott added….

“While some in the community called for a public boycott of UC Irvine and have condemned the administration, we have always believed in working constructively through the appropriate channels with campus and community leaders.  While we would have liked for the administration to have come to this conclusion more quickly, we are pleased that after due process, the MSU has finally been sanctioned.  ”

Along with the Jewish Federation, there have been many organizations involved in this battle.  They include the Anti Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee and Hillel.

By involvement, this includes ongoing meetings with campus faculty and staff, meetings with UC Regents, University of California President Mark G. Yudof as well as ongoing discussions with members of Congress.  Additionally, the Federation has held continuous meetings with students and key community leaders.

I was able to personally speak with leaders in community and here what they had to say about this decision.

“When a group spews hate and calls for violence they must be stopped.  A public university ought to be a place for civil discourse and vigorous debate, but not a place for vitriol and incitement.  I applaud the Chancellor and the University for taking action.  Standing up against hate is always right.”

Rabbi Richard Steinberg, Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot

“These results serve as a reminder that the 1st Amendment is a non-negotiable American value. The MSU must understand that they do not have the authority to control what students can and cannot hear on campus. My family left the Middle East to come to America and realize their dream of freedom and equality, but the same forces that oppressed us there have followed us here. I am proud to see that American universities will not tolerate these attempts to silence or censor the voices of minorities.

I hope this landmark decision will lead to a new beginning between moderate Jewish and Muslim students; one of mutual respect, cooperation, and appreciation for one another.”

Isaac Yerushalmi, UC Irvine Alumnus, Class 2010

“The UCI administration has taken seriously, the on-campus actions of the MSU and their serial disregard for University policies and civil discourse. UCI is an outstanding academic and research University and the talented Jewish students on campus benefit most when members of the broader Jewish community support enhanced educational, leadership and social programming.”

Jeff Margolis Co-chair, Jewish Federation Orange County’s Rose Council.

“UCI’s administration has done the right thing and is to be commended. We can all have faith in the American system because the results show how well it works. The Orange County Jewish Community will continue to bring positive education, programming and discussion to the UCI campus.”

James Weiss, Co-chair, Jewish Federation Orange County’s Rose Council.

“Having heard first-hand of the intimidation prevalent on the UCI Campus and how Jewish students felt the need to hide their religious affiliation, I am happy and relieved to hear of the strong and just action taken by the UCI Administration. Using the banner of “free speech” to browbeat and delegitimize those who feel differently is a perversion of that noble concept and should certainly not be tolerated at our academies of higher learning.”

Rabbi Yisroel Ciner, Beth Jacob Congregation of Irvine

Jewish Federation Orange County will continue working closely with university leadership to encourage bridge-building programs between Muslim and Jewish students and students of other faiths.   Toward this objective, Jewish Federation established the Rose Project in 2008, which provides funding for positive Jewish programming and support to the Jewish students of Orange County college campuses.  Student leaders of Anteaters for Israel, Hillel: Jewish Student Union, Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, and Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority take advantage of many leadership development and Israel education opportunities funded by the Rose Project throughout the academic year.   Other endeavors of The Rose Project include the development of a high-level special guest lecture series and bridge-building programs with the Muslim and Christian communities of Orange County.

June 14, 2010 - Posted by | Jewish Federation Orange County, Muslim Student Union, UC Irvine, Uncategorized | , , , , , , ,


  1. While the results seem commendable, it is interesting that the university apparently waited until after the end of the Spring Quarter to announce the findings. This insures that the campus is relatively empty.

    One would have to wonder if the leadership at UCI was afraid that announcing the results earlier would have lead to protests and even violence.

    Comment by Michael Scharf | June 14, 2010 | Reply

    • You said, “you cannot take away the right for a group to assemble on a public campus”

      It’s not at all a right to “assemble;” it’s a right to
      “PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE.” You seem to have forgotten that all important adjective~ Peaceably Michael, Peaceably.

      Comment by Carol | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  2. during the sixties, at boston university, in the heat of the viet nam war, speakers were drowned out, there were sit-ins…rooms were blocked and inflammatory language was used.
    no-one brought legal proceedings against us.
    no-one took away our right to assemble, to speak our minds….or take away our freedoms.
    this is a dangerous precedent.
    if i were a moslem student at uc irvine, i would be enraged that my right to assemble, my academic freedom on a public campus would be taken away like this.
    i am jewish. i love the spiritual aspects of my religion, and have taken it as a commitment for most of my life.
    but to see what is happening now, is really heartbreaking.
    this is not justice, and it is going to have repercussions that will be harmful to the community.
    you cannot take away the right for a group to assemble on a public campus, because you dont like their message, or their politics, or how they feel about you.
    this is a dangerous precedent.
    it may be distortedly pro-jewish, but it is anti-american, in my opinion.
    as a jewish person, who loves her faith, and the precepts of social justice and healing the world…..this is a marginalizing and dangerous action to take against a group of students.
    the karma from the act of shutting down students because you dont like their politics or feelings or words, is a dangerous thing.
    i think this is a very sad day….and the reactions that will follow will be sad, as well.
    it is very dangerous to take away the voices of young people, and their right to assemble.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 14, 2010 | Reply

    • What distorted thinking. It is the students that drowned out speakers that deprived others of their freedoms.
      If you yell FIRE in a crowded theater and are arrested for that crime, your freedom of speech and freedom to assemble is not abridged.
      This sanctioned group still retains their constitutional freedoms, just lost that priveledge (not right) to do so on campus, a perfectly legitimate action to protect the liberties of speakers and those that choose to listen on that campus.

      Comment by Gary | June 16, 2010 | Reply

    • How can you support the purpertrator and go against the victim?!? Jaqueline, you don’t understand that these people are calling for violence, terror and death?you don’t understand, that their freedom of speech is different then ours? That their freedom is different then ours? Don’t you uderstand that if they would get their way you would be the first to match into the death camp? Did you by any chance get to watch video of what happened on UV Irvine at the first place? Did you et the chance to see how violent and distrbing was everything that these group of students had to say. I would love for you to be the student in UC Irvine, with the name like Klein ou would get a good beatting! And things like dirty Jew, you would be able to hear every day!! I’d love to see then I you would still think that it’s our fault!!!!!

      Comment by Markus | June 16, 2010 | Reply

    • Yes and it’s the people of the 60’s that are running this country today and look what they have done. It’s shameful! We have become so PC that people like you would rather seem understanding and compassionate that protect your childrens education from the very people that want you dead. Wake up! Look up ACT for America and learn a few things before you give so much credit and clear path to these animals!

      Comment by Dennis Levine | June 16, 2010 | Reply

    • Jacqueline,

      Your comment either shows that you are completely ignorant of the actions of the MSU that led to the response by UCI, or you are intentionally distorting the facts. I was a student at Berkeley in the 60’s – so I am very aware of what happened at that time. The situation at UCI has nothing to do with freedom of assembly or free speech. The MSU has used (or abused) these freedoms probably more than any student organization in recent years with no action by UCI. Even when they organize weeks with speakers that deny the holocaust and accuse Israel of committing a holocaust against the Palestinians, and destroying counter exhibits by the jewish students, nothing has been done as UCI was always responds that they are guarding free speech rights.

      This time, even UCI could not stand by when the MSU deliberately organized the continuous disruption of Ambassador Oren’s speech thus depriving him and most of the audience of their free speech right, and then blatantly lied about their involvement in flagrant violation of UCI’s rules and regulations.
      Even UCI Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky called the decision “consistent with what the university has done all along, noting that the MSU’s actions in this case were not protected by the First
      Amendment but rather were clear violations of campus conduct codes.

      “This distinction makes all the difference in the world,” Chemerinsky said.

      “The important thing is to strike a balance. What they did needs to be punished. There needs to be a clear message that what they did was unacceptable, without being draconian. A one-year suspension strikes a balance.”

      You probably know that Chemerinsky holds very “progressive” views and is the last one to defend any act that endangers free speech and right to assembly.

      The only reason I even bothered to answer you is because we are both Jewish and I am sick and tired of Jews protecting the rights of those who would slaughter every Jew living in Israel if they only could. I really don’t think the facts as I’ve presented them will change your min, as I am quite convinced that you already knew the facts but they did not bother you. If I did mange to make you even think about how dangerous and wrong your views are – then this reply was worth my time.

      Comment by Ari Alony | June 16, 2010 | Reply

    • Ms. klein,
      in your comment you keep repeating that the MSU was sanctioned because their message or politics were disliked.
      apparently, that was NOT the reason for the sanctioning. the reason was : conducting themselves in an inappropriatee/ unacceptable manner on the campus, where mutual respect, free speech & dignified conduct are highly upheld. The investigation into the conduct of the MSU members apparently concluded that their conduct left much to be desired.when they calm themselves down, do some community work & mostly – learn how to behave themselves on a college campus – they’ll be back. You need not worry about them.

      Comment by john | June 16, 2010 | Reply

    • I think that maybe what happened, Jacqueline, is that the same sorts of people who didn’t want to stop attacking Vietnam figured out that they could use things like legal proceedings and restrictions to keep everyone in line so that they wouldn’t have to deal with angry protesters the next time they wanted to start a war. Now, instead of having to explain why you’re punishing someone for speaking their mind, you can just claim that you’re punishing them for breaking the rules. It’s the same sort of distorted thinking that allows people who punish a group of students whose side of the story wouldn’t be published in the paper if it was written and hand-delivered by Abraham himself for infringing on the right to free speech of a man who could claim that Madagascar somehow poses a threat to Israel’s existence and reasonably expect to find a story in the next day’s New York Times explaining how Madagascar has become a haven for terrorists and is secretly planning to unleash an army of evil kittens on the US by the end of the month.

      Comment by Brian | June 23, 2010 | Reply

  3. “the act of shutting down students because you dont like their politics or feelings or words, is a dangerous thing.”

    The act of shouting down, threatening (Michael Oren) someone who you disapprove of is a dangerous thing, and not Freedom of Speech.

    Comment by An American | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  4. Shouting down someone (essentially using an orchestrated campaign of verbal violence to prevent that message from getting heard) is NOT “academic freedom.”

    And as far as the hate speech of Malik Ali and his friends– imagine that someone brought someone who spoke about African Americans, or gays, or Muslims to campus using similar language. Would that be considered acceptable use of student fees? (actually, if anyone brought a speaker who spoke about Muslims that way, what do you think the response would be?).

    Comment by Michael Harris | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  5. Jacqueline: I too am a child of the 60’s… Not quite in college at the time, but remember well the protests and sometimes violence that broke out. However, my recollection is rather different than yours.

    I do remember many times where protesters crossed a line and were arrested, tried and punished for their actions. In every case, the line that was crossed occurred when protesters actions impeded the ability of others to speak or to transact their business.

    Freedom of speech demands respect for others trying to speak. Justice demands that we protect speakers from the mob.

    That Ambassador Oren was prevented from speaking by a pre-planned mob attack is the reason why the MSU was suspended. Had they had 10x the number of people attend a rally outside the venue, they would have been able to say whatever they wanted to, with the full sanction of UCI authorities.

    UCI is supposed to be a place where our young people learn to seek truth as well as learn lessons that they will take forward into their lives. One would hope that the MSU members as well as the entire campus will learn that we must protect the rights of all to speak, and prevent the mob from imposing their will and their values on the community.

    Comment by Michael Scharf | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  6. “if i were a moslem student at uc irvine, i would be enraged that my right to assemble, my academic freedom on a public campus would be taken away like this.”

    Their right to assemble is not being taken-away. It’s nothing against the Muslim faith; simply against the anti-semitism that the organisation is displaying.

    Comment by Fumiko | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  7. jk: ” . . the karma from the act of shutting down students because you dont like their politics or feelings or words, is a dangerous thing.”

    When I read things like this I have to wonder how someone as articulate as you could be so perversely blind to reality. The students were arrested and the MSM was sanctioned, not because someone did not like their politics or feelings or words. This happened because they purposely denied the right of free speech to Michael Oren and they denied the right of others in the audience to hear what he had to say.

    It seems each day I am newly amazed at how far some American Jews have allowed their views to contradict reality. If and when Israel is no longer available as a refuge for the world’s Jewry and you are back to depending on the “good intentions” of other societies for your security – I think its fair to say that the narcissism of Jews like you will one of the main causes. That’s assuming that you are actually who you say you are. If you are then I can only conclude that you have some psychological reason to prefer that your life depend on others’ opinion of you – and not on your own honest intentions and ability to stand up for yourself.

    BTW I’m not a Jew and I’ve never been to Israel but I sure as hell want to see the only democracy in the ME and the only state in the ME that provides all it citizens with the full range of human rights, survive.

    Comment by Ray in Seattle | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  8. there were many inflammatory protests and sit-ins in the sixties, many demonstrations with highly inflammatory speech, and i dont remember that students were frequently arrested….that community service was demanded of us, or that our organizations were shut down and prohibitied from meeting.
    from any point of view, shutting down the opportunity for young people to dissent and speak their minds on a public campus, is going to be a dangerous policy. i am surprised that it is even legal.
    as a jewish person who felt heartbroken and ashamed over the gaza massacre and what has transpired since, and as a supporter and great appreciator of the work of “jstreet,” i attended the msu meetings after the gaza invasion.as a jewish person, and was sorry that more jewish people did not attend.
    i can tell you that during one of the first lectures of a young attorney speaking about gaza, two representatives from a jewish organization stood in the first row, videocamming her every word. it was hostile, and it was a terrible distraction, not just to the audience, but to the young woman. she continued on with her speech….but the effect of being videocammed for her whole talk from the front row, was disconcerting and deeply hostile.
    jewish people who attended those lectures were treated well, and there was nothing disrespectful said toward jewish people in the lectures that i attended.
    i heard one of the militant speakers and it was not an easy speech for a jewish person to listen to, but the anger toward present policies by the israeli government to an audience that had palestinians in it, one would expect after the gaza invasion, that this would be the case.
    it is a dangerous policy to shut down their organization on campus. stifling the voices of people can only lead to greater militancy, when people feel marginalized.
    i am jewish, and no moslem. but i cant imagine that it is easy being a young moslem person in the united states.
    what occurs on a college campus in the name of free speech, is sometimes what happens when someone like michael oren is brought to the uc irvine campus. surely no-one would have thought that there wouldnt be controversy and possible problems.
    free speech and political activism and strong opinions about social justice are part of what happens on a campus, whether it is viet nam or the gaza invasion. this is just a fact of life. but this penalty is unjust and dangerous.
    and surely no-one would think that in a time of budget cuts and needed donors, something like this would not occur under pressure.
    but it is not the right thing.
    and nothing good will come out of it.
    i am sorry for what i see going on in the mainstream jewish community these days….and i am just thankful for jstreet, and that they still speak for social justice and protective rights for all people.
    to take away the rights for assembly of a group of students on a public campus, is a bad precedent. i am very sorry, as a jewish person, who has worked for children, social causes and the rights of all people for most of my life, that i am seeing this consciousness now in the community.
    it will not lead to good things.
    by suppressing students, you will only create more marginalization and anger. it is not good.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 14, 2010 | Reply

    • Girl, you are so out of touch with Israel of today that it makes me sad to hear your comments that are so far from the truth. In fact you say you are Jewsih but honestly I’m in doubt of that! You sound more like a Muslim that has been brain washed from the first day of their lives. You are doing nothing but spewing the same old rheotic that the Muslims just like the campus organization of UCI that do nothing for education of truth, but only go to school to continue to tell and spread the UNTRUTHS!

      Comment by Dennis Levine | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  9. “It seems each day I am newly amazed at how far some American Jews have allowed their views to contradict reality. If and when Israel is no longer available as a refuge for the world’s Jewry and you are back to depending on the “good intentions” of other societies for your security – I think its fair to say that the narcissism of Jews like you will one of the main causes. That’s assuming that you are actually who you say you are.”

    i dont have to lie about my identity on a blog.
    you say that you arent jewish. well, i am.
    and i was raised, first and foremost as a jewish person, to believe in tikkun olom…the healing of the world.
    i was taught to speak out against the persecution of all people….not just jewish people.
    i was taught that the life of every child is worth fighting for.
    palestinian or jewish…no exceptionalism or exceptions.
    that was what i cherished most about my judaism. its social conscience.
    i was raised to believe in the best intentions of all people, not just jewish people.
    and if you actually read and study what the conditions are for palestinians in gaza, you would realize that the present israeli government has taken out the heart and conscience of the teachings of judaism for many jewish people these days…..perhaps not for the ones you know, but for many who i know.
    go to the jstreet blog, to see that many jewish people share my beliefs about the situation in gaza, about a two state solution and about the blockade.
    i attended the msu lectures. they were collecting blankets for the children of gaza. they were looking for foster homes so that children injured in gaza could be cared for in orange county homes, so that they could receive urgent medical care that they were being denied.
    the present policies of the israeli government are untenable.
    you cannot treat any people, as less than human. even if you sadly fear them…you still cannot.
    and you cannot deny young people the right to assemble, the right to vent their feelings, their anger and their hurts. you can certainly do it, but it will be at eventual, greater cost.
    what is right and moral matters.
    there is no exceptionalism. there is justice for all people.
    if you treat people as less then human, you become less than human.
    taking away the rights of the moslem students at uc irvine, is not being on moral high ground, and that is what i have always loved most about the precepts of my religion. i just reject and feel saddened by the way some people are practicing it nowadays.
    you can have your own feelings, of course.
    these are my feelings that i hold very deeply, and struggle with, as i see what is happening around me.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  10. Please tell me why the UCI MSU was suspended for exposing US-Israeli war crimes (crimes the students pay for with their tax dollars) but Anteaters for Israel wasn’t for promoting US-Israeli war crimes.

    This whole thing reeks of hypocrisy.

    Comment by Julia | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  11. ms klein,

    are all left wing jews revisionists?

    i really dont know what happened at boston university, but maybe you should watch a few docs on the free speech movement at berkeley, before you make idiotic statements….seems many left wingers have forgotten what was being fought for at that time….and it didnt include creating groups to stifle the views and voices others.

    but if the msu feels they have been wronged…they can bring the matter to court, as is their right.

    as for your understanding of what judaism is…it has nothing to do with mine

    in your concept of what judaism is…is there a g-d? is there a torah? did g-d give the land of israel to the jew? do you believe that you are a descendant of abraham, issac and jacob…or are you a khazar?

    Comment by uncle joe mccarthy | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  12. uh….according to the la times, the suspension is not finalized…this is just a recommendation

    the msu has already appealed

    ms klein can feel better now….anti israel and anti jewish hate still lives on the uci campus

    Comment by uncle joe mccarthy | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  13. Ms. Klein,

    ““When a group spews hate and calls for violence”

    Do you condone this? Do you think it’s alright for Jewish students to be so afraid for their well-being that they have to hide their religion? Do you think free speech should include an MSU student advocating another Holocaust? Hate speech is not free speech. It’s hate speech. Do you condone hate crimes? Because that is what this all is.

    It’s certainly a lucky thing you were not a target of such virulent antisemitism when you were in college. But you need to wake up and see what is really happening out there. Your 60’s glory days are over and flower power doesn’t work with these people. Hint: you’re a “Nazi” to them too.

    As a Jew myself, I have to say to you that even lower forms of life don’t eat their own.

    Comment by greta | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  14. greta

    as ms klein believes the lies she was told during those msu events (no arab child from the west bank or gaza has ever been denied health care by israel….hamas has stopped them from getting it….there is no humanitarian crisis in gaza) her answer would be yes…she condones it

    it is the curse of the jew hating jew

    Comment by uncle joe mccarthy | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  15. “As a Jew myself, I have to say to you that even lower forms of life don’t eat their own.”

    i consider “my own,” to be other people’s children, as well as my own.
    i consider all children sacred.
    one eats their own, when they allow the children of others, to suffer.
    as a jewish person, i consider it my responsibility to speak out against the persecution of all people. if i dont, then my judaism is worth nothing.
    “an eye for an eye, and soon everyone is blind.”
    i remember the years of protest very well, in the sixties. it was important to speak out, and we did. and our right to meet and have our groups, was not taken away from us….we were not shut down.
    to take away the right to assemble, is a dangerous precedent.
    and for every jewish person, perhaps their concept of judaism is different.
    for me, it is working toward a better world, and that does not mean stifling the right to free assembly of an entire group of young people, on a college campus.
    this was done in many cultures to jewish people….taking away their right to meet, pray and convene. it only reinforces the identity and determination of a people….just as persecution and dehumanization does.
    these are the wrong policies for people who have suffered dehumanization and persecution at the hands of others.
    you cannot stifle, repress or dehumanize groups of people. it will weaken you from within. taking away their outlets for expression is not a good thing.
    and you speak about their “anti-semitism.” i have heard some of the most incendiary, stigmatizing and hateful words said about moslems in my own community, and in my own holy places.

    well, it stops with me.
    maybe not with you….and that is your right.
    but the hate stops with me.
    and that is what makes me feel that i am practicing the highest principles of my faith.
    everyone should practice their faith in the way that they wish.
    i will speak out against injustice as i see it.
    i am thankful for the organization, jstreet, which speaks to my heart, and the principles of judaism that will create a safer world for jews, and all people.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  16. “Your 60′s glory days are over and flower power doesn’t work with these people. Hint: you’re a “Nazi” to them too.”

    you dont elevate your argument with statements like these.
    my dearest friend of twenty-five years, is a moslem person. and she does not consider me a “nazi.” that is an unfortunate statment for you to make….it shows that you have never taken the time, open-mindedness, or curiosity to get to know someone of the moslem faith.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 14, 2010 | Reply

    • You people don’t even know how to spell muslim. It is not moslim. And it is not capital m . muslims don’t deserve the extra ink it takes for a capital m

      Comment by D.R. W. | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  17. “as ms klein believes the lies she was told during those msu events (no arab child from the west bank or gaza has ever been denied health care by israel….hamas has stopped them from getting it….there is no humanitarian crisis in gaza) her answer would be yes…she condones it

    it is the curse of the jew hating jew”

    it is becoming the curse of many jewish people now in this country, that they believe that lurking in the heart of every moslem person, is a terrorist….and that every jewish person who disagrees with the current policies in israel, is an anti-semite.
    this is a heartbreaking thing.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 14, 2010 | Reply

  18. We, the generation on the cusp, are watching your actions, Zionists.

    We are able to differentiate between being anti-semetic and anti-Isreali-policy.

    Thankfully, there are other members of the community who can do the same.

    Comment by Jacob | June 15, 2010 | Reply

  19. The MSU was preventing an invited speaker from being heard and preventing the audience from listening. That ain’t free speech; it’s intentional disruption of another gathering with impunity. If Ms Klein doesn’t remember anti-war protesters being dragged away for doing that, she should find some old film clips.

    And where, Ms jewish person Klein, are the Muslim voices of outrage when Israeli kindergardens are bombed, or pizza parlors blown up, or children hide in concrete shelters to avoid the missiles shot into S’derot from Gaza daily? Would you like Israel to raise its own body count by shooting from apartment buildings and schools, as Hamas does? That would make things more equitable and evoke more sympathy from all the nice people out there who make their political choices by deciding who’s the current “underdog.”

    It’s very nice to be universalist, but the reality is that Hamas doesn’t care about being nice to Jews, or Israel, or Christians, for that matter. They want the whole middle east to be Muslim (this is documented fact, not my Jewish delusion) and the left (with which I completely identify on other issues) will be shocked, shocked, when the antisemitism becomes so blatant even Jews like Ms Klein will be forced to notice it. Talk to the 50% of Jewish Israelis whose families fled the surrounding Arab land to find out what it’s like to live under Muslim rule.

    Comment by Saadia | June 15, 2010 | Reply

  20. Unlike the pro-Israel movement on the UCI campus which is funded by a foreign govt. and supported by out of campus Zionist not Jewish, Federation of Orange County, MSU is a grassroot organization created by UCI students that has provided thousands of dollars of funding to Haiti and is most socially active organization at UCI. It is involved in soo many social programs while anteaters for Israel, and Hillel are just political groups that only care about the interest of not even Jews but Israel. MSU will prevail and they will not be banned, maybe they will be put on probation but not suspended, and the pro-Israel movement will be shamed because they jumped to conclusion and got carried away.

    Comment by MSU WILL PREVIAL | June 15, 2010 | Reply

  21. […] ▪ Animated Talmud: Bringing Gemara to life ▪ WZO is indeed relevant ▪ SALT today ▪ UC Irvine Muslim Student Union suspended ▪ Kosher vendor suing Mets ▪ A history of Commentary ▪ Interfaith marriages are rising fast, […]

    Pingback by News & Links | Hirhurim – Musings | June 15, 2010 | Reply

  22. […] in a sensitivity coma (in Mark Steyn’s excellent phrase.) Harrumphs of approval here and here and of course […]

    Pingback by Pigs fly, the underworld freezes, and…(The Sanity Inspector) | June 15, 2010 | Reply

  23. […] what is sure to become a landmark decision in the history of the campus’ Jewish-Muslim student tensions, the school decided to suspended the […]

    Pingback by MSU intifada in Irvine leads to suspension - Techlog | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  24. ” left (with which I completely identify on other issues) will be shocked, shocked, when the antisemitism becomes so blatant even Jews like Ms Klein will be forced to notice it.”

    when you deny people basic civil rights, when you dehumanize them, you empower organizations like hamas.
    the present policies of the israeli government are what is going to increase worldwide anti-semitism, because they are dangerous and inhumane policies now, under this government, in my opinion.
    after watching the suffering that was inflicted on palestinian men , women and children during the gaza invasion, i felt that the current leadership in israel, had become the face of all the oppressor.
    and that is how it looked to many other american jews, and to people who are compassionate, intelligent and support the existence of israel. what happened in gaza, was morally indefensible.
    what is now happening in gaza, is a human rights issue. it is not morally justifiable. i believe that the present policies of the netanyahu government are making israel, a less safe and more isolated country.
    the current government of israel, and the manner in which they humiliated vice-president biden during his visit, and the way that the flotilla raid was handled…shooting a young american citizen, four times in the head and once in the chest, is not gaining the support or sympathy of a large number of american jews.
    handling it in this manner, and then, netanyahu stalling peace talks, has complicated things for the united states, and for president obama, when we are already having many internal problems to contend with.
    the recent actions of netanyahu have been insulting to our president, and are complicating our foreign policy.
    those are my opinions.
    what occurred at the uci campus when david oren spoke, is absolutely nothing new on a university campus. as long as i can remember, speakers have been shouted down and treated with anger and disrespect when they were controversial, during politically heated times. uci must have known that this would happen, when oren was brought to uci.
    american campuses have a long history of noisy, angry and vitriolic confrontations, and in my mind, that is part of free speech on a college campus also. not pretty….but certainly not uncommon.
    never have i heard of a student group losing their right to assemble freely on a public campus, and stifling their voices in this manner, as a punishment.
    i think this is unconstitutional, and a dangerous policy.
    i think it is only going to create justifiable anger, and further inflame tensions. people grow angrier and more militant , when you try to take away their voice.
    this is not a wise move on the part of the school administration, no matter the pressure they were put under.
    the present policies in israel will not be able to continue on this course, because they are losing the support of the american people, and that will affect policy and dollars.
    the present recommendation to shut down the right of the msu to assemble is going to cause further problems on the uci campus, and is a dangerous, unconstitutional precedent to set on all american campuses.
    you cannot shut down organizations on college campuses. you can find other ways to censure students, but taking away their voice, is not one of them.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  25. Ms.Klein

    What is unconstitutional and dangerous is letting MSU get away with infringing with the constitutional right of freedom of speech that Mr. Oren had. The decision of not letting the Israeli ambassador speak was a planned and premeditated act. This is the new campaign going on in many Universities; silence the opposition. Unfortunately Ms. Klein, many ignorant Jews side with the wrong party. My advice, go and live in Israel for a few months and learn a little reality. If you can not, then read a few books and learn something about Israel history.

    Comment by Isaac Bensussen | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  26. I’m thankful to UC Irvine for defending civility and protecting the ability of invited speakers to present their topics. We come to listen to ideas from presenters – not to have the event shut down due to usurpationists. To allow any campus organization the ability to shut down an invited speaker is uncouth and shows a complete lack of civility. I’m glad the UC Irvine is taking a stance that protects a presenter’s ability to do what they were invited to do: speak and present their ideas. It is not as if this was an open forum or open mic at the Improv. Opposing voices are free to peacefully assemble, but they infringe on my right to hear the presenter when the seek to take away the right of the one who was invited to speak.

    Making the most-often and/or longest posts, does not make you right. As one poster said:

    “i am sorry for what i see going on in the mainstream jewish community these days….and i am just thankful for jstreet, and that they still speak for social justice and protective rights for all people.”

    The above quote coming from someone who has given $28,500 to the Democratic Party and not one penny to the Republican Party. When she speaks of ‘all people’ she clearly isn’t referring to the 1.3 million babies aborted in America each year. Infanticide supported by her campaign donations. She wants to present herself as a peace-loving person who has compassion for both sides, but clearly the money trail shows a one-sided demagogue.

    In my opinion, Barack Obama has treated Benjamin Netanyahu shamefully and, as an American, I am embarrassed by the president’s shabby treatment of the leader of our greatest Middle East Ally.

    Comment by Karol | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  27. Ms. Klein,
    Please stop getting all of your info from JStreet, which is an anti-Jewish, anti-Israel website of the self-hating Jew ilk. You are typical of the far left apologist. All you can do is regurgitate the propaganda that you read. People have asked you all sorts of questions, which you refuse to answer in your own words. All you can do is repeat, “blah,blah,blah, from JStreet.
    Someone asked you how it makes you feel to see Jewish kids in Israel suffer from daily rocket attacks, and suicide bombings while standing in line at a pizza parlor, or waiting to ride home from school on a bus? You can’t answer that question, because it’s not a part of the pro-palestinian propaganda you been spoon fed. So please don’t talk to me about tikkun olam, you haven’t the first idea what that means. Without the existance of Israel, whose existance is made possible because of the G-d of Israel, there would be no tikkun for the world. Until people like you get that nothing will ever get better. How can you help fix the world if you cannot even support the existance of the country that is a refuge from the hate of the people that you so love to support in favor of your own, you know “JEWS”? I for one am in support of Israel, and I am in support of free speech for all who live in this country. When the MSU stops using tactics of trying to stop other people from speaking simply because they are from Israel, or that they are Jewish then I will support there right to speak freely on the UCI Campus. But if they want to stifle the free speech of others then they don’t have a right to assemble on the UCI Campus.

    Comment by Neshama | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  28. Two Points:

    #1 — Why are people referring to Michael Oren as “an invited speaker” as if he were just some guy, and not Israel’s AMBASSADOR to our country? The ambassador comes in the name and authority of Israel, and is possibly second only to Mr. Netanyahu himself in terms of respect we should accord him as a dignitary. Because of Ambassador Oren’s position, the MSU insulted all of Israel, not just one speaker, by their actions. If anyone other than Muslim students had done such a thing, they would have been forced to apologize for so gravely embarrassing our country.

    #2 — Quote: “…it is a dangerous policy to shut down their organization on campus. stifling the voices of people can only lead to greater militancy, when people feel marginalized.”

    This reeks of a double standard in effect. Tell us honestly, those who defend the MSU: if when Mr. Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia, members of Fred Phelps’s church (of “God Hates Fags” notoriety) had ganged up with members of the KKK to shout the speaker down, and the university sanctioned their clubs, would you whine about it?

    Comment by Luke | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  29. Universities were created for higher learning and the exponding of the free market of ideas.
    One group does not get to control what is said and taught,while the other is silenced.
    Unless someone is telling people to go out and kill someone or yell fire in a crowded theater- when there is no fire; you cannot silence them.
    Shouting down someone (like what happened to ambassador OREN),is not legitimate protest.
    If,i did that in WASHINGTON D.C ; especially the halls of congress, i would be arrested.

    Comment by pablo casados | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  30. i shall phone Chancellor Drake’s office to say you absolutely did the right thing…..Bravo.

    Comment by caryle streeter | June 16, 2010 | Reply

  31. Christians! Jews! Buddhists!

    Together, we have created a great civilization. We got rid of destitution and ignorance. We have overcome epidemics. We have broken out into the cosmos.
    Free citizens of the planet! Our civilization is in danger! The Islamist fanatics yearn to turn the wheel of History back to the medieval darkness. Don’t let them.
    Don’t trust the hypocritical and mendacious politicians!
    Don’t trust the corrupt media!
    Men of good will! Close your ranks in the struggle against the lethal malady of our time – Islamisation of our planet.
    Don’t be afraid to speak out! Protest! Form battalions of self defense!
    Use Internet! Send delegations to the UN, UNESCO, The Red Cross!
    Don’t let the enemy intimidate you!
    Heads up, free citizens of the Planet of Earth!

    Comment by Thiya Nepher | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  32. “So please don’t talk to me about tikkun olam, you haven’t the first idea what that means”

    to turn this discussion into an ad hominem attack on me, also, does little to elevate your discussion.
    if you wish to question my “neshama,” and tell me that i dont know the first thing about “tikkun olam,” you speak unwisely.
    you ask how i can help fix the world if i cannot support the existence of israel.
    i support it more rationally, because i can acknowledge that the course that the netanyahu government is on, is going to hurt israel, and not help israel, in the longrun.
    for you to refer to jstreet as an anti-jewish,anti=israel website is a great mistake.
    jstreet is made up of many people like myself, who also love israel, have raised and been raised in jewish families, have also spent time in israel, but disagree with the present political policies in israel, and feel that they will lead to eventual disaster. it is a sadness that you use the brush of “anti-semitism,” against other jews. it is done all the time now, and it is also a dangerous and polarizing act, questioning the faith and intent of other jewish people, who love their religion and israel, as well….but feel that israel needs a new paradigm for the twenty-first century.
    those will be the prevailing ideas of jstreet.
    as i said before, it is becoming commonplace, when you dont like the political beliefs of another jew, to call them “an anti-semite.
    by doing this, you hurt the religion and tear branches off of our own olive tree.

    you say that i cannot answer how i feel, when israelis are killed. someone with a high “neshama” should know that a jewish person feels great sadness and horror, when a jewish person is killed.
    but what i can say also, is that in the invasion of gaza, and in the flotilla raid, the present government in israel, has become the face of the oppressor of other people. and that is wrong.
    the policies of the netanyahu government will isolate israel on moral grounds. the world is seeing that now.
    and how i feel, is “that an eye for an eye, and soon everyone is blind.”
    i am a person of conscience. it is possible that i was studying judaism, even before you were born….my oldest son attended a yeshiva….all of my children received jewish education and they have gone on to be remarkable human beings with very high neshamas. do not attack me, when you know nothing about my “neshama.
    i am not a self- hating jew, and you do great harm to the religion, when you say that, and write off thousands of other jewish people who care deeply, but disagree greatly with the policies in place now.
    you are greatly mistaken if you feel that by shutting down the muslim student union, you have found a way “to silence them, or teach them a lesson.”
    taking away freedom of assembly is a dangerous precedent.
    if you actually think that this is going to create a more peaceful and calm atmosphere on campus, you should think and reflect on this action again.
    the identity of any group of people, and their militancy, will only grow stronger when you deny them their right to assemble.
    it is a dangerous precedent for public campuses, and it is a dangerous way to sanction a group of young people, who are already greatly marginalized in this society.
    and whether you agree or disagree with the policies of jstreet, the demographics and polling of american jews, actually shows that the policies of jstreet are very popular and supported by many jews, especially the younger generation of jews in this country. so i would be more circumspect in analyzing their policies, and judging the hearts and minds of those of us who support the work of jstreet.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  33. “In my opinion, Barack Obama has treated Benjamin Netanyahu shamefully and, as an American, I am embarrassed by the president’s shabby treatment of the leader of our greatest Middle East Ally.”

    we are all entitled to our opinions.
    i feel that benjamin netanyahu is now standing in the way of the peace process. the settlements, the invasion of gaza, the recent flotilla raid are setting back relations between the united states and israel, in a way that is harmful to israel.
    i feel that president obama is a just and wise leader, and i am so grateful that he is our president. but we are all entitled to our opinions, and that is the great thing about the united states.
    dont silence oppositional voices….especially not on public campuses.
    as long as i can remember, young and empassioned college students have been drowning out speakers in lecture halls, sitting in doorways, creating fire hazards and being extremely hostile and obnoxious. this is also part of free speech on college campuses, for better or worse, especially during controversial times. there is nothing unusual or unique about this behavior. but i never recall that their organizations have been shut down, or removed from campus at a public university.
    there are other ways to censure students. this is going to create terrible problems, and i think it can also be proven to be unconstitutional.
    evaluate the consequences of a punishment first, to see if the cure will help to heal the problem, or exacerbate it. in this case, it is clearly going to exacerbate the problem…..this is a highly unwise action.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  34. It’s a great job to suspend the UC Irvine Muslim Student Union. don’t consider the Islam as religion like other religions, no it’s a terrorist idiology to dominate.

    Comment by Gina | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  35. “Men of good will! Close your ranks in the struggle against the lethal malady of our time – Islamisation of our planet.”
    “don’t consider the Islam as religion like other religions, no it’s a terrorist idiology to dominate.”

    how depressing to read things like this.
    this kind of thinking, is surely what will plunge all of us into the dark ages.
    when people think like this, there is little else to say.
    there are so many wonderful and good muslim people….just as there are, in every faith. it is so sad to read something like this.
    statements like these, are offensive to all reasonable people.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  36. “If anyone other than Muslim students had done such a thing, they would have been forced to apologize for so gravely embarrassing our country.”

    you are absolutely right.
    if any group other than muslim students had done such a thing, they would have been forced to apologize…they would not be prohibited from free assembly on a college campus.

    last month, militia groups congregated in virginia, in front of children, in full paramilitary gear and with all kinds of guns on their person.
    as frightening and intimidating as this was to onlookers, even they were not denied the right to assemble freely, in a public place.

    the paradigm for humane judaism, in the 21st century.
    the new keepers of the flame.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  37. an excellent article, by jeremy ben ami

    “the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
    the next best time is now.”

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

    The land, which belongs to the jewish people, is the historical land of ISRAEL.
    The TORAH,TALMUD,ZOHAR and other works makes very clear the land belongs to us.
    AMBASSADOR OREN is a represenative of our people -in ISRAEL.
    He was invited to speak,as that represenative.
    The MSU had no right to have acted that way-way they did that night.
    They should have been prosecuted; for disorderly conduct – and expelled.
    JSTREET has clearly demonstrated ant-israel biases.
    They have went so far as trying to get foreign cut or stopped- to ISRAEL.
    Nothing from MR. BEN AMI can be believed, in regards to ISRAEL.
    JSTREET is no friend of ISRAEL,S

    Comment by pablo casados | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  39. “Nothing from MR. BEN AMI can be believed, in regards to ISRAEL.
    JSTREET is no friend of ISRAEL,S”

    it seems that you are quite mistaken, with your above quotation re mr. ben ami.
    i believe you are unfamiliar with jeremy ben ami’s biography and credentials…
    Jeremy Ben-Ami
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jeremy Ben-Ami is executive director of J Street, a pro-Israel lobby in the United States, and JStreetPac, which endorses and raises money for federal candidates.
    Ben-Ami was President Bill Clinton’s Deputy Domestic Policy Adviser, and later Policy Director on Howard Dean’s presidential campaign. He was most recently Senior Vice President at Fenton Communications. Earlier he was the Communications Director for the New Israel Fund and started the Israeli firm Ben-Or Communications while living in Israel in the late 1990s.[1] Ben-Ami has worked with Jewish peace groups, including the Center for Middle East Peace and the Geneva Initiative-North America.[2] [3]
    Ben-Ami’s father, born in Tel Aviv, was a founder of the American Friends for a Jewish Palestine and other Zionist organizations. His grandparents were among the first settlers of Tel Aviv, where many relatives continue to live. He graduated from Princeton University and received a law degree from New York University.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  40. mr casados

    do you also believe that the vice president of policy strategy for jstreet, hadar susskind,”
    is also, “no friend of israel?”
    i understand that you may be in disagreement with their ideology…but really…”no friend of israel?”….and he holds the rank of first class sergeant in the israeli defense forces?

    Hadar Susskind, Vice President of Policy and Strategy. Hadar comes to J Street after more than a dozen years of experience working in the American Jewish community. Most recently, he was Vice President and Washington Director for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). Previously, Hadar held positions at a number of other Jewish organizations including the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL), the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and the Israel Policy Forum. He has served on the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Initiatives Task Force on the Environment, as well as the Board of Directors of the Coalition on Human Needs. Hadar was recognized by the Forward newspaper as one the Fifty Most Influential Jews in America for 2008. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland and holds the rank of Sergeant First Class in the Israel Defense Forces. He lives in Maryland with his wife and two children.

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  41. here is a lengthy list of rabbis who support jstreet, as part of the jstreet rabbinic cabinet. are they also not friends of israel??

    J Street Rabbinic Cabinet

    Chair: Rabbi John Friedman Co-Chair: Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller

    Click here to join the J Street Rabbinic Cabinet.


    Rabbi Scott Aaron Pittsburgh, PA 

    Rabbi Alison Abrams Deerfield, IL 

    Rabbi Ruth Abusch-Magder San Francisco, CA
    Rabbi Ruth Adar Oakland, CA 

    Rabbi David Adelson New York, NY 

    Rabbi Katy Z. Allen Wayland, MA 

    Rabbi Rebecca Alpert Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Renni S. Altman Great Neck, NY 

    Rabbi Camille Shira Angel San Francisco, CA

    Rabbi David Ariel-Joel Louisville, KY

    Rabbi Melaine Aron Los Gatos, CA 

    Rabbi Arik W. Ascherman Jerusalem, Israel

    Rabbi Andy Bachman Brooklyn, NY

    Rabbi Lev Baesh Lexington, MA 

    Rabbi Chava Bahle Suttons Bay, MI 

    Rabbi Benjamin H. Barnett Corvallis, OR 

    Rabbi Bernard Barsky Dayton, OH 

    Rabbi Lewis M. Barth Encino, CA 

    Rabbi Geoffrey Basik Baltimore, MD 

    Rabbi David Dunn Bauer Amherst, MA 

    Rabbi Renee H. Bauer Madison, WI 

    Rabbi Pam Frydman Baugh San Francisco, CA

    Rabbi David Baylinson Atlanta, GA

    Rabbi Leonard I. Beerman Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Micah Becker-Klein Longmeadow, MA 

    Rabbi Marc J. Belgrad Buffalo Grove, IL 

    Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Arnold Mark Belzer Savannah, GA

    Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appel Highland Park, IL
    Rabbi Allen Bennett San Francisco, CA 

    Rabbi Philip J. Bentley Hendersonville, NC 

    Rabbi Donald Berlin Saint Michaels, MD 

    Rabbi Donna Berman Collinsville, CT 

    Rabbi Howard Berman Jamaica Plain, MA 

    Rabbi Leila Gal Berner Rockville, MD

    Rabbi Alison Berry Canton, MA

    Rabbi Elisheva Beyer Reno, NV
    Rabbi Dario Bialer Rio de Janiero, Brazil
    Rabbi Jonathan Arthur Biatch Madison, WI 

    Rabbi Binyamin Biber Silver Spring, MD 

    Rabbi Aaron Benjamin Bisno Pittsburgh, PA

    Rabbi Art Blecher Washington, DC

    Rabbi Barry Block San Antonio, TX

    Rabbi Bernard Bloom Saratoga Springs, NY

    Rabbi Herman J. Blumberg Waban, MA 

    Rabbi Shalom Bochner Berkeley, CA 

    Rabbi Buz Bogage Denver, CO

    Rabbi Lenore Bohm Encinitas, CA 

    Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton Baltimore, MD 

    Rabbi Stephen Booth-Nadav Denver, CO

    Rabbi Neil Borovitz River Edge, NJ 

    Rabbi Anna S. Boswell-Levy Yardley, PA 

    Rabbi Deborah Bravo Maplewood, NJ

    Rabbi Reeve Robert Brenner Rockville, MD 

    Rabbi Herbert Brockman Hamden, CT 

    Rabbi Caryn Broitman Vineyard Haven, MA 

    Rabbi Daniel M. Bronstein Brooklyn, NY

    Rabbi Herbert Bronstein Glencoe, IL 

    Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein New York, NY 

    Rabbi Sharon Brous Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Jeff Brown Cardiff by the Sea, CA 

    Rabbi Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus Jamaica Plain, MA 

    Rabbi David Brusin Whitefish Bay, WI

    Rabbi Meredith Cahn San Anselmo, CA 

    Rabbi Debra S. Cantor Newington, CT
    Rabbi Faith Cantor Charlotte, NC

    Rabbi Reba Carmel Cheltenham, PA

    Rabbi Susan Bulba Carvutto August, ME 

    Rabbi Adam Chalom Lincolnshire, IL 

    Rabbi Joshua Chasan Burlington, VT

    Rabbi Kenneth Chasen Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Steven Chester Oakland, CA 

    Rabbi Ayelet S. Cohen New York, NY 

    Rabbi Debrah Cohen Philadelphia, PA

    Rabbi Edward Cohen New Orleans, LA

    Rabbi H. Hirsch Cohen Sarasota, FL
    Cantor Ken Cohen Santa Monica, CA

    Rabbi Michael Cohen Manchester Center, VT 

    Rabbi Ronnie Cohen Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Paul Cohen Winnetka, IL 

    Rabbi Hillel Cohn San Bernardino, CA 

    Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Shoshanah Conover Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi David J. Cooper Berkeley, CA 

    Rabbi Rachel B. Cowan New York, NY 

    Rabbi Meryl M. Crean Elkins Park, PA

    Rabbi William Cutter Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan Chico, CA

    Rabbi Harry Danziger Germantown, TN

    Rabbi Stanley Davids Santa Monica, CA 
    Rabbi Jerome Davidson Great Neck, NY

    Rabbi Richard A. Davis New York, NY
    Rabbi Stuart Ervin Davis Overland Park, KS 

    Rabbi Marc L. Disick Stamford, CT 

    Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb Washington, DC 

    Rabbi Art Donsky Pittsburgh, PA

    Rabbi Elliot Dorff Bel-Air, CA 

    Rabbi Malka T. Drucker Santa Fe, NM 

    Rabbi Renee Edelman South Orange, NJ 

    Rabbi Ariel Edery Holly Springs, NC 

    Rabbi Lisa A. Edwards Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Laurence L. Edwards Chicago, IL

    Rabbi H. Bruce Ehrmann Randolph, MA

    Rabbi Joab Eichenberg-Eilon Marietta, GA 

    Rabbi Amy Eilberg Mendota Heights, MN 

    Rabbi Bruce Elder Highland Park, IL 

    Rabbi Diane A. Elliot Richmond, CA 

    Rabbi David Ellis Halifax, Nova Scotia

    Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell Philadelphia, PA

    Rabbi Daniel Epstein New Hempstead, NY 

    Rabbi Greg M. Epstein Cambridge, MA
    Rabbi Andrew Vogel Ettin Pfafftown, NC

    Rabbi Theodore Falcon Seattle, WA

    Rabbi Jeffrey Falick Miami Beach, FL
    Rabbi Gabriel Farhi Paris, France

    Rabbi Milton Feierstein Deerfield Beach, FL 

    Rabbi Charles M. Feinberg Washington, DC 

    Rabbi Michael Edward Feinberg New York, NY

    Rabbi Dena Feingold Kenosha, WI

    Rabbi Edward Feld Northampton, MA 

    Rabbi Ted Feldman Petaluma, CA 

    Rabbi Daniel Fellman New Brunswick, NJ 

    Rabbi Brian D. Field Phoenix, CO 

    Rabbi Tirzah Firestone Longmont, CO 

    Rabbi Frank A. Fischer Chapel Hill, NC 

    Rabbi Alan Flam Barrington, RI

    Rabbi Joel Fleekop Los Gatos, CA 

    Rabbi Jeff Foust Newton Center, MA

    Rabbi Stephen Franklin Yonkers, NY

    Rabbi Wayne Franklin Providence, RI
    Rabbi Les Frazin Hollywood, FL

    Rabbi Allen I. Freehling Los Angeles CA

    Rabbi Jonathan Freirich Stateline, NY 

    Rabbi Suri Friedman Durham, NC

    Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein North
Chelmsford, MA
    Rabbi Louis Frishman Pomona, NY

    Rabbi Serena Fujita Lewisberg, PA

    Rabbi Capers C. Funnye Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Roy S. Furman Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Ruth Gais Summit, NJ 

    Rabbi Joyce Galaski Amherst, MA

    Rabbi Hillel Gamoran Evanston, IL 

    Rabbi Steven Garten Ottawa, ON 

    Rabbi Laura Geller Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Everett E. Gendler Great Barrington, MA 

    Rabbi Elliot K. Ginsburg Ann Arbor, MI 

    Rabbi Miriyam Glazer Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Aubrey Lyle Glazer Harrison, NY 

    Rabbi Robert J. Gluck Albany, NY

    Rabbi Donald Gluckman Pikesville, MD

    Rabbi Rosalind A. Gold Reston, VA

    Rabbi Edwin Goldberg Coral Gables, FL 

    Rabbi Dan Goldblatt Danville, CA

    Rabbi Irwin Goldenberg Forest Hills, NY

    Rabbi Rachel Goldenberg Deep River, CT 

    Rabbi Eva Goldfinger Toronto, ON
    Rabbi Michael Mordechai Goldman Durham, NC 

    Rabbi Debra E. Goldstein Trumbull, CT 

    Rabbi Jerrold Goldstein Sherman Oaks, CA

    Rabbi Jeffrey Wolfson Goldwasser North Adams, MA 

    Rabbi Linda Goodman Brooklyn, NY 

    Rabbi Donald Goor Tarzana, CA

    Rabbi Joel Goor Bronx, NY

    Rabbi Marc H. Gopin Silver Spring, MD
    Rabbi David Gordis W est Newton, MA 

    Rabbi Andrew Gordon Scarsdale, NY 

    Rabbi Debora S. Gordon Troy, NY 

    Rabbi Maralee Gordon Woodstock, IL

    Rabbi Sam Gordon Wilmette, IL 

    Rabbi Seth Goren Bethlehem, PA 

    Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb Stony Point, NY

    Rabbi Andrea Gouze Norwood, MA

    Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Roberto Graetz Lafayette, CA 

    Rabbi Arthur Green Newton Center, MA

    Rabbi Alan Greenbaum Grass Valley, CA
    Rabbi Reuven Greenvald New York, NY
    Rabbi James Israel Greene Salem, OR

    Rabbi Jarah Greenfield Philadelphia, PA
    Rabbi Michael Greenwald Canton, NY

    Rabbi Nicole Greninger Lafayette, CA

    Rabbi Suzanne Griffel Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Marc A. Gruber Rockville Centre, NY 

    Rabbi Joshua Gutoff Brooklyn, NY 

    Rabbi Laurie Hahn-Tapper Redwood City, CA
    Rabbi Richard Hammerman Caldwell, NJ

    Rabbi Laura Harrari Aliso Viejo, CA 

    Rabbi Edwin S. Harris St. Louis, MO 

    Rabbi Maurice Harris Eugene, OR

    Rabbi Floyd L. Herman Baltimore, MD 

    Rabbi B. Charles Herring Phoenix, AZ

    Rabbi Garson Herzfeld Brooklyn, NY 

    Rabbi Jay B. Heyman Seattle, WA 

    Rabbi Erin Hirsh Glenside, PA 

    Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt New Haven, CT 

    Rabbi Michael G. Holzman Philadelphia, PA

    Rabbi Heidi Hoover Brooklyn, NY

    Rabbi Geoffrey Huntting Sarasota, FL

    Rabbi Mark Hurvitz New York, NY 

    Rabbi Yitzhak Husbands-Hankin Eugene, OR 

    Rabbi David A. Ingber New York, NY 

    Rabbi Daniel J. Isaak Portland, OR 

    Rabbi Sheldon Isenberg Gainesville, FL

    Rabbi Brett Isserow Alexandria, VA 

    Rabbi Jill Jacobs New York, NY

    Rabbi Richard Jacobs Scarsdale, NY

    Rabbi Steven B. Jacobs Woodland Hills, CA 

    Rabbi Burt Jacobson Richmond, CA 

    Rabbi Devorah L. Jacobson Amherst, MA

    Rabbi Jennifer Jaech Peekskill, NY 

    Rabbi David L. Jaffe Cambridge, MA 

    Rabbi Beth Anne Janus Santa Cruz, CA 

    Rabbi Miriam Jerris Farmington Hills, MI 

    Rabbi Yoel Kahn Berkeley, CA 

    Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster Teaneck, NJ 

    Rabbi David Kaiman Gainesville, FL 

    Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins Sydney, Australia 

    Rabbi Raphael Joshua Kanter New Bedford, MA

    Rabbi Nalini Indorf Kaplan Cary, NC
    Rabbi Paul Kaplan Bloomington, IL 

    Rabbi Peter Edward Kasdan Longboat Key, FL 

    Rabbi Nancy Kasten Dallas, TX 

    Rabbi Hillel Katzir Lewiston, ME 

    Rabbi Justin Kerber St. Louis, MO

    Rabbi Ralph Kingsley Aventura, FL

    Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman Brookline, MA 

    Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum Princeton, NJ

    Rabbi Norman Klein Champaign, IL 

    Rabbi Stephen A. Klein Scarsdale, NY 

    Rabbi Jonathan Kligler Woodstock, NY 

    Rabbi Marc Kline Lexington, KY 

    Rabbi Myriam Klotz Bala Cynwyd, PA 

    Rabbi Peter Knobel Evanston, IL 

    Rabbi Tamara Kolton Farmington Hills, MI
    Rabbi David Kominsky Portland, OR 

    Rabbi Ira L. Korinow Haverhill, MA 

    Rabbi Jodi Kornfield Deerfield, IL

    Rabbi Raquel S. Kosovske Northampton, MA

    Rabbi Chava Eva Koster Spring Valley, NY

    Rabbi Shelley Kovar Becker Cohoes, NY 

    Rabbi Michael Louis Kramer Newark, DE 

    Rabbi Douglas E. Krantz Armonk, NY 

    Rabbi Jonathan Kraus Belmont, MA 

    Rabbi Claudia Kreimer Brookline, MA
    Rabbi Allen Krause Mission Viejo, CA

    Rabbi Charles A. Kroloff Westfield, NJ 

    Rabbi Jeffrey Kurtz-Lendner Hollywood, FL 

    Rabbi Susan Laemmle Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Lynne F. Landsberg Washington, DC 

    Rabbi Karen Esther Landy Brookline, MA 

    Rabbi Alan LaPayover Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Michael Adam Latz Minneapolis, MN 

    Rabbi Alex Lazarus Amherst, NY

    Rabbi James Lebeau Jerusalem, Israel
    Rabbi Esther Lederman Washington, DC 

    Rabbi Yoseif A. Leevy Lamont, FL

    Rabbi William Leffler Kennebunkport, ME

    Rabbi Shoshana Leis Fort Collins, CO 

    Rabbi Michele E. Lenke Needham, MA 

    Rabbi Alexander Leone Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Rabbi Michael Lerner Berkeley, CA

    Rabbi Lisa Levenberg Los Gatos, CA 

    Rabbi Peter Levi Aliso Viejo, CA

    Rabbi Joshua Levine-Grater Pasadena, CA 

    Rabbi Richard N. Levy Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Stan Levy Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Robert Douglas Levy Ann Arbor, MI 

    Rabbi Sheldon Lewis Palo Alto, CA 

    Rabbi Michael J. Lezak San Anselmo, CA 

    Rabbi Valerie Lieber Brooklyn, NY 

    Rabbi Mordechai Liebling Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Rebecca Lillian Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Jonathan Lipnick New York, NY

    Rabbi Ellen Lippmann Brooklyn, NY 

    Rabbi Andrea C. London Evanston, IL 

    Rabbi Alan Herbert Lovins New Haven, CT
    Rabbi Sarah Mack Providence, RI

    Rabbi Jill Maderer Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Shaul Magid Bloomington, IN 

    Rabbi Jonathan Malino Greensboro, NC 

    Rabbi Harry A. Manhoff San Leandro, CA 

    Rabbi Paula Marcus Aptos, CA 

    Rabbi Bonnie Margulis Madison, WI 

    Rabbi Jeffrey M. Marker Brooklyn, NY 

    Rabbi Robert Marx Saugatuck, MI 

    Rabbi J. Rolando Matalon New York, NY 

    Rabbi Dennis Math Jersey City, NJ 

    Rabbi Aryeh Meir Teaneck, NJ 

    Rabbi Batsheva Meiri Asheville, NC 

    Rabbi Rim Meirowitz Winchester, MA

    Rabbi Paul Menitoff Palm Beach, FL

    Rabbi Edith Meyerson New York, NY
    Rabbi Rachel Mikva Chicago, IL

    Rabbi Laurence Elis Milder Westborough, MA
    Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom Jerusalem, Israel 

    Rabbi Shira Milgrom White Plains, NY 

    Rabbi Lewis Mintz Acton, MA 

    Rabbi Yocheved Mintz Las Vegas, NV 

    Rabbi David Mivasair State College, PA 

    Rabbi Stephen Fisher Moch St Thomas Virgin Islands 

    Rabbi Reuben Modek Nyack, NY 

    Rabbi Ben Morrow Santa Fe, NM

    Rabbi Jay Henry Moses New York, NY

    Rabbi Gil Nativ Omer, Israel
    Rabbi Howard Needleman Commack, NY

    Rabbi David W. Nelson Tivoli, NY

    Rabbi Michael Oblath Anchorage, AK 

    Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man Berkeley, CA 

    Rabbi Laura Owens Beverly Hills, CA 

    Rabbi Sara Paasche-Orlow Newton Center, MA 

    Rabbi Andrew M. Paley Dallas, TX 

    Rabbi Alexis Pearce San Diego, CA 

    Rabbi Scott Perlo Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Shoshana Perry Chelmsford, MA 

    Rabbi Aaron M. Petuchowski Chicago, IL

    Rabbi Laurie Phillips New York, NY 

    Rabbi Stephen H. Pinsky Wellington, FL 

    Rabbi Amber Powers Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Marcia Prager Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Arnold I. Rachlis Irvine, CA 

    Rabbi Paula Reimers Lebanon, PA

    Rabbi Fred Reiner Washington, DC

    Rabbi Victor Hillel Reinstein Jamaica Plain MA 

    Rabbi Michael M. Remson Kenosha, WI 

    Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben Pacific Palisades, CA

    Rabbi Moti Rieber Wichita, KS 

    Rabbi Rochelle Robins San Diego, CA

    Rabbi Liz Rolle Stamford, CT

    Rabbi Jack Romberg Tallahasse, FL

    Rabbi Yael Romer Rhinebeck, NY

    Rabbi Gaylia Rooks Louisville, KY 

    Rabbi Or Rose Newton Center, MA 

    Rabbi Kliel Rose Nashville, TN 

    Rabbi Brant Rosen Evanston, IL
    Cantor Elana Rosen-Brown Brooklyn, NY

    Rabbi Aaron P. Rosenberg Waterford, CT 

    Rabbi Ari Rosenberg Great Barrington, MA 

    Rabbi James Bruce Rosenberg Providence, RI
    Rabbi Jennie Rosenn New York, NY

    Rabbi John Rosove Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Donald B. Rossoff Morristown, NJ

    Rabbi Harry Roth Los Angeles, CA

    Rabbi Jeffrey Roth New Paltz, NY

    Rabbi Mike Rothbaum Nyack, NY

    Rabbi Galia Sadan Tel Aviv, Israel

    Rabbi Douglas Sagal Westfield, NJ 

    Rabbi Jared Saks Minneapolis, MN 

    Rabbi Regina L. Sandler-Phillips Brooklyn, NY
    Rabbi David Fox Sandmel Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Robert Saunders Pueblo, CO 

    Rabbi Herman Schaalman Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi Boulder, CO

    Rabbi Peter Schaktman Honolulu, HI

    Rabbi Philip Schechter Stamford, CT

    Rabbi Saraleya Schley Berkeley, CA 

    Rabbi Howie Leib Schneider Aptos, CA 

    Rabbi Rachel Schoenfeld Allston, MA

    Rabbi Burt Schuman Warsaw, Poland

    Rabbi Barry L. Schwartz Cherry Hill, NJ 

    Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz Willimantic, CT 

    Rabbi Stanley Howard Schwartz Daytona Beach, FL

    Rabbi Allen Secher Whitefish, MT 

    Rabbi Steve Segar University Heights, OH 

    Rabbi Judith Seid Pleasanton, CA 

    Rabbi David Seidenberg Bay State Village, MA
    Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller Los Angeles, CA 

    Rabbi Sanford Seltzer Jamaica Plain, MA

    Rabbi Gerald Serotta Chevy Chase, MD 

    Rabbi Isaac Daniel Serotta Highland Park, IL 

    Rabbi Drorah O. Setel Buffalo, NY 

    Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro Longmeadow, MA
    Rabbi Rami Shapiro Menfreesboro, TN

    Rabbi Bonnie Sharfman Scottsdale, AZ

    Rabbi Leonard Sharzer New York, NY
    Rabbi Arnie Sher Fairfield, CT 

    Rabbi John Sherwood Oxnard, CA 

    Rabbi David Shneyer Rockville, MD 

    Rabbi Dennis Shulman Demarest, NJ 

    Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner Overland Park, KS 

    Rabbi Harold Silver West Hartford, CT

    Rabbi James Simon Miami, FL

    Rabbi Steve Sirbu Teaneck, NJ

    Rabbi Joel Sisenwine Wellesley, MA
    Rabbi Scott Slarskey Brighton, MA

    Rabbi Amy Joy Small Summit, NJ 

    Rabbi Felicia Sol New York, NY 

    Rabbi Bradley Solmsen West Roxbury, MA

    Rabbi Rav Soloff Lansdale, PA

    Rabbi Eric Solomon Raleigh, NC 

    Rabbi Jennifer Solomon Raleigh, NC

    Rabbi S. David Sperling Peekskill, NY 

    Rabbi Scott M. Sperling Takoma Park, MD

    Rabbi Judith Spicehandler Highland Park, IL 

    Rabbi Brent Chaim Spodek Beacon, NY
    Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker St. Paul, MN

    Rabbi Toba Spitzer Lexington, MA 

    Rabbi Brent Spodek Washington, DC 

    Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Portland, OR 

    Rabbi Sonya Starr Columbia, MD 

    Rabbi Daniel Stein NY, NY
    Rabbi Margot Stein Bala Cynwyd, PA
    Rabbi Peter Stein Cranston, RI

    Rabbi Naomi Steinberg Carlotta, CA 

    Rabbi Gershon Steinberg-Caudill El Cerrito, CA

    Rabbi George Stern Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Jack Stern Great Barrington, MA

    Rabbi Liza Stern Newton, MA 

    Rabbi Michael Sternfield Chicago, IL 

    Rabbi Ariel Stone Portland, OR

    Rabbi Kurt Stone Coral Springs, FL

    Rabbi Alvin Sugarman Atlanta, GA 

    Rabbi Yaffa-Shira Sultan San Diego, CA 

    Rabbi Jeff Sultar Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Alana Suskin Gaithersburg, MD

    Rabbi Karen Sussan Suffern, NY

    Rabbi Barry Swan Rochester, NY

    Rabbi Jackie Tabick London, England

    Rabbi Dov Taylor Woodstock, VT

    Rabbi Jay TelRav Denver, CO

    Rabbi Elliot Tepperman West Orange, NJ

    Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp Los Angeles, CA
    Rabbi David Teutsch Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi David Leipziger Teva East Hampton, CT
    Rabbi Lawrence Troster Teaneck, NJ

    Rabbi Leonard Troupp Commack, NY

    Rabbi Burton L. Visotzky New York, NY 

    Rabbi Andrew D. Vogel Brookline, MA

    Rabbi Howard Voss-Altman Calgary, AB
    Rabbi Ariel Walsh Baltimore, MD

    Rabbi Brian Walt West Tisbury, MA

    Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev Santa Fe, NM
    Rabbi Bruce Samuel Warshal Hillsboro Beach, FL

    Rabbi Susan Warshaw Berlin, MD 

    Rabbi Arthur Waskow Philadelphia, PA 

    Rabbi Pamela J. Wax New York, NY 

    Rabbi Elyse Wechterman Attleboro, MA 

    Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg Amherst, MA 

    Rabbi Cheryl Weiner Emeryville, CA

    Rabbi Daniel A. Weiner Seattle, WA

    Rabbi Martin Weiner San Francisco, CA

    Rabbi Scott B. Weiner New Rochelle, NY

    Rabbi Jay Weinstein Syosset, NY 

    Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub NY, NY
    Rabbi Lew J. Weiss Indianapolis, IN

    Rabbi Max Weiss Oak Park, IL 

    Rabbi Zari M. Weiss Seattle, WA

    Rabbi Shifra Weiss-Penzias Santa Cruz CA 

    Rabbi Steve Westman West Palm Beach, FL 

    Rabbi Joseph Wolf Portland, OR

    Rabbi Sarah Wolf Los Altos Hills, CA 

    Rabbi Greg Wolfe Davis, CA 

    Rabbi Bridget Wynne El Cerrito, CA 

    Rabbi Moshe Yehudai Raanana, Israel 

    Rabbi Sara Zacharia Newton, MA

    Rabbi Michael R. Zedek Chicago, IL

    Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman Madison, WI

    Rabbi Michael Zimmerman Williamston, MI 

    Rabbi Henry A. Zoob Westwood, MA

    Rabbi Yosef Zylberberg Lynchburg, VA 


    Cantor Freyda Black Cheltenham, PA 

    Cantor Steven Blane Haworth, NJ

    Cantor Leslie Boyer Albany, NY

    Cantor Susan Caro Thousand Oaks, CA

    Cantor Jack Chomsky Columbus, OH

    Cantor Michael Davis Chicago, IL 

    Cantor Rebecca Joy Fletcher Staten Island, NY
    Cantor Howard Friedland Evanston, IL

    Cantor Aviva Katzman Chicago, IL

    Cantor Evan Kent Los Angeles, CA 

    Cantor Jack Kessler Philadelphia, PA 

    Cantor Kim Komrad Gaithersburg, MD

    Cantor Doris Kosmin Nashville, TN 

    Cantor Samuel E. Levine Brooklyn, NY 

    Cantor Jonathan Lovins West Hartford, CT 

    Cantor Ilan Mamber Franklin Lakes, NJ 

    Cantor George Mordecai Miami Beach, FL 

    Cantor Barbara Ostfeld Williamsville, NY 

    Cantor Mark Perman Roswell, GA 

    Cantor Hasha Musha Perman Skokie, IL 

    Cantor Ari Priven New York, NY 

    Cantor Steven Puzarne Playa Del Rey, CA 

    Cantor Aviva Rosenbloom Altadena, CA 

    Cantor Judith Kahan Rowland New York, NY 

    Cantor Pamela Sawyer Alameda, CA

    Cantor Hollis Schachne Wayland, MA 

    Cantor David Serkin-Poole Bellevue, WA 

    Cantor Linda Shivers Portland, OR 

    Cantor Kerith Spencer-Shapiro Leonia, NJ 

    Cantor Jodi Lee Sufrin Wellesley, MA 

    Cantor Deborah Tanzer-Cohen Norristown, PA 

    Cantor Elliot Taubman Block Island, RI 

    Cantor Andrew Tulchin Santa Fe, NM 

    Rabbinical and Cantorial Students:

Aura Ahuvia Ann Arbor, MI 

    Susan J Averbach San Francisco, CA 

    Rachel Evelyne Barenblat Williamstown, MA 

    Rachael M. Bregman Astoria, NY 

    Brian Fink Philadelphia, PA 

    Natan Fuchs Lathrup Village, MI 

    Neil E. Hirsch New York, NY 

    Brian Immerman New York, NY

    Marisa Elana James Jerusalem, Israel 

    Debra Ruth Kolodny Silver Spring, MD 

    Abbe Lyons Ithaca, NY

    Ken Rosenstein Brighton, MA 

    Janet Shifrah Tobacman Emeryville CA

    Barry Swan Rochester NY

    Seth Wax Brookline, MA

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  42. Thank you Chancellor Drake and other involved UCI administrators for doing the right thing and taking a strong stand against the oppressive Muslim Student Union.I don’t want the Islamic Jihadist mentality to take advantage of our American freedoms and bring Middle Eastern violence and unrest to our shores.The battle has just begun.Please continue to stand strong and do what is right and necessary to preserve our freedoms in America against the oppressive and violent Islamic Jihadist mentality.I am thankful that most Muslims are peaceful and not oppressive.Please continue to be strong and just in your actions.


    Comment by Robert Watts | June 17, 2010 | Reply

  43. “i am sorry for what i see going on in the mainstream jewish community these days….and i am just thankful for jstreet, and that they still speak for social justice and protective rights for all people.”

    The above quote coming from someone who has given $28,500 to the Democratic Party and not one penny to the Republican Party. When she speaks of ‘all people’ she clearly isn’t referring to the 1.3 million babies aborted in America each year. Infanticide supported by her campaign donations. She wants to present herself as a peace-loving person who has compassion for both sides, but clearly the money trail shows a one-sided demagogue.

    dear commenter carol….

    before you spread misinformation about me, perhaps you should check for accuracy:-)
    i wish i was in a position to give $28, 500 to the democratic party, but for the most part, all i am able to do, is to give of my time and volunteerism.
    it is not a good thing to spread misinformation about a person you do not know, on a blog. i am sure there may be a jacqueline klein, who has given generous financial contributions to the democratic party, but unfortunately,it is not me.
    be more careful about putting out incorrect facts about people who you dont know.
    .”Please continue to stand strong and do what is right and necessary to preserve our freedoms”

    yes, i agree.
    let us find ways to censure students, that does not stifle their ability to assemble freely on public campuses.
    let us censure them in ways that will not manifest greater anger, and take away the dignity and rights of all of the members.
    shutting down an entire community of students, will have dangerous consequences.
    preserve our freedoms for all. do not take away the right to assemble, for any group of students, on a public campus.
    when you force students to meet clandestinely and in subterfuge, you are putting the entire community at risk.
    thank you…..
    shabbat shalom.
    “be the change you wish to see in the world.”

    Comment by jacqueline klein | June 18, 2010 | Reply

  44. UC Irvine is a thuggish institution with very little leadership not only from the UC administration (which one comes to expect) but from the faculty and staff as well. I saw this firsthand with the dismantling of Irvine Meadows West.

    Conformity is king. Every effort has been made to prevent the formation of a strong student body, resulting in an unsurprisingly weak student government and pitiful alumni association.

    It is this atmosphere which allows extremist student organizations to flourish and forces mainstream students to put their heads down, finish their degrees and get the heck out, cursing themselves for not going to a real academic institution where the ecology of ideas is alive and well.

    This is not a Muslim vs. Jews situation — all campuses have this. This is UC Irvine showing the entire world, quite graphically, that it is grossly incompetent to live up to the basic free speech challenge of being a public university.

    Comment by Andrew | June 23, 2010 | Reply

  45. […] the president of the Jewish Federation, expressed approval for the administration’s decision on the official blog [11] of the Jewish Federation of Orange County: “We commend the University for its judicious […]

    Pingback by OCITF: “Keep in mind that until the appeals process has been completed, it is premature to draw any conclusions about the outcome.” « Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism | June 24, 2010 | Reply

  46. how ’bout a bigger question. Why send your kids to any of the UCs? They’re all hotbeds for upwardly mobile militants who gate israel and jews. It’s amazing how quickly, we jews have reverted to the slaves in Egypt. We’ll send our children to schools where they learn to tolerate hate in their midst. We hate the people who support Israel’s preservation, namely, the christians. I know the torah to be true because in 5000 years we’re no different than the israelites that Moses dragged kicking and screaming from Egypt. Fight On!

    Comment by Tim s | June 25, 2010 | Reply

  47. […] group has now been suspended, which seems like the minimum penalty for organizing to block a speech and lying about it. But this […]

    Pingback by UC Irvine hecklers busted « Internet Scofflaw | October 4, 2010 | Reply

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